My HealCode

with Dr. Theresa Pride

Spinal Flow®

Spinal Flow® is a holistic technique that uses gentle touch to release blockages in the spine and nervous system. The goal is to restore the body's natural ability to heal and improve overall well-being.

Spinal Flow® Assessment (first-time appointment)

Start here! Your Spinal Flow® Assessment will inform us of exactly where your blockages are and how we can get to the root. This is your opportunity to ask questions and for us to create a plan. This appointment is required prior to any Spinal Flow® technique is applied. Want the assessment for FREE? For the month of February, book this session with code FREEFEB and get $65 off!

Spinal Flow® Group Sessions

After your assessment, you are invited to book your follow up sessions as part of a small group session. Spinal Flow® technique is perfect for groups and transforms retreat work. Our group sessions (3-4 people) make it easier for you to fit in your sessions and are more economical. Book a session and save on packages below:

Spinal Flow® Private Sessions

After your assessment, you may choose to continue via private sessions. This may be because you have a complex history, need more time or assistance getting on and off the table, or want more availability to discuss before or after your session. Options to book a session and access savings by purchasing a package are below: